Our farms provide traceable sources for our products. Each farm adheres to the distinct values that Spruce embodies! Each of these farms has an incredible story with real people, working hard to create value and a lifestyle of happiness.
Pursue Happiness products are created from the milk of pampered cows at Spruce Haven Farm. Spruce Haven Farm believes there is great potential to return more of the retail value to the dairy farms, to improve efficiencies in delivering milk products to market and to bring the dairy industry to a new level of sustainability; environmentally, economically, and socially.
Spruce Haven was founded in 1987 by Doug and Janet Young along with Janet's father Dave Camp. Spruce Haven began with 120 cows and 75 heifers. Jason and Alisha Koch have been key managers and members beginning in 1998. Now that the next generation of Luke and Dustin Young and Lindsay Frye are ready to take the vision forward. We seek to serve you more effectively than has been done before. Spruce Haven has been blessed with many long term, highly skilled and committed employees. Their ongoing growth in capabilities is a pleasure to see and encourage.
Tim and Sam Potter entered the LLC in 2007 bringing their herd with high genetics and a passion for genetic progress. Sam initiated and managed an intensive embryo transfer program. As Sam transitioned to Iowa, to be near his wife Bonnie’s parents, Pastor Paul Colgan carried on the genetic program. Pastor Colgan refined the program and trained 3 members of our staff to continuously improve.
Spruce Haven Farm currently has 2000 cows, 1800 heifers, 4000 acres of crop acres of corn and alfalfa.
Spruce Haven built a low cost anaerobic digester in 2015 and received a patent in 2017 for the nutrient boom. This combination of technologies allows major improvements in carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus efficiency.
“Given his dedicated collaboration with people from around the world, Young (Spruce Haven Farm) is sure to be part of achieving nutrient management solutions of significance to agriculture’s future.”